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Hotel Group Rates Offered for the Southern Hemp Expo

Sonesta Nashville Airport

600 Marriott Drive,
Nashville, Tennessee 37214, United States

There is a free shuttle to/from the Nashville Airport to the Sonesta Hotel.

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More Lodging Options

Hotels around the fairgrounds:

Hotels around the Sonesta Airport:

NOTICE: Beware of email scammers with other Hotel offers. Please use this link above to book your room.

Housing Poachers and Pirates Policy

When WAFBA secures sleeping rooms at hotels for our conferences (commonly referred to as room blocks), we research the properties to make certain that our attendees and exhibitors are adequately accommodated. These room contracted blocks are established to ensure that rooms meet our standards and are offered at a discounted price. The reason WAFBA is able to negotiate reduced pricing at these properties is that we guarantee a certain amount of hotel sleeping rooms will be sold and the hotel removes these sleeping rooms from their general inventory and reserves them exclusively for WAFBA.  WAFBA partners with ConferenceDirect to secure the accommodations for the 2022 Southern Hemp Expo (SHE).

Room poaching is a practice carried out by third-party companies that ACT as travel agencies, wholesalers or destination management companies to solicit registrants and exhibitors for room reservations for SHE.  The practice of room poaching makes it more difficult for us to meet our contracted room block commitments and exposes WAFBA to penalties and increased room rates for our conferences.

Often room poachers may misrepresent themselves as WAFBA’s official housing provider and registrants and exhibitors may be contacted with WAFBA or SHE branded emails or phone calls for cut rate housing. The poacher might inform registrants and exhibitors that the hotel room block is “SOLD OUT,” and that if you do not book with them immediately, you may not get a room. Additional deceptive tactics may include:

  • Room poachers may distribute forms or promotional materials that appear to be issued by WAFBA.
  • Room poachers may not deliver on promises to customers. When customers arrive, reservations are sometimes non-existent or the hotels are not conveniently located.
  • Room poachers may seek to represent themselves as being affiliated with WAFBA by illegally using our name or logo and copywrite brand standards.

Don’t be misled! If you are contacted by anyone asking if you need a room for the WAFBA Annual Meeting who is not a representative with WAFBA or ConferenceDirect, please get as much information as you can and email us at or call us at 970-541-0448